I've spent some lovely time in France, enjoying sun, family, beach, food, drink and books. What else do yo need. When in France we tune our car radio to "nostalgie". We love the combination of older classics and french chansons. It is a part of our holiday vibe. And this is the song we tuned in to this year. Freely translated it means:
I will sing you a song, a song of happy people. When I learned french in high school, our teacher spent the last ten minutes of our Friday lesson teaching us a french song. Which is pretty genius if you think about it. We enjoyed it, learned new words and to pronounce things in a real french tongue. This was one of the songs. So it made me feel nostalgically happy, this feeling clung to me during most of the holiday. If you want to get a feel for the mood, you can listen to it
We enjoyed some lovely little and big cities like Narbonne, Beziers, Montpellier and Uzès. Just some pictures to transfer the mood and then I am off sewing, because now I'm back I can't wait to get my hands on some fabric. I've brought some too: store bought, but also some second hand cottons from "vide greniers" (empty your attic/flea markets) and Bric a Bracs (second hand stores).
a second hand store |
the beautiful streets of Montpelier |
The Atlantic beach near Bordeaux |
The picturesque city of Uzès |
My second hand findings |
My new findings |
Beautiful cloudy french blue skies |
See you soon!
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